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  • Nov 16, 2023

Veteran’s Health is a National Priority

Veterans Day serves as a call to action for the health of all veterans.  Service to our nation often comes with a high personal cost. The physical and psychological aftereffects of military service may be recognized. However, veterans’ healthcare must address the whole person across the lifespan including social, financial, spiritual, and family well-being.  Health equity for all veterans is an unarguable imperative.

Research focused on veterans’ health is vital to promoting health and wellness. Research can improve early and accurate diagnosis of disease. Advances in science and technology can contribute to effective rehabilitation and living well with disability.  Research can ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments for acute and chronic health conditions.

The NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) programs are at the forefront of transforming research to develop practical, timely, and appropriate interventions for veterans. CTSA research is often done in partnership with the Veterans Health Administration. Effective partnerships with community-based veterans’ organizations are crucial to veteran-centric research.  In 2022, a working group of six researchers and two veterans developed recommendations for ways to incorporate veterans’ unique lived experiences interests, and perspectives into health research.

A focus on diversity is essential in this mission. It's important to recognize that veterans are a diverse group of individuals with varied experiences that may be influenced by sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, culture, gender, and history. Research and healthcare services must be inclusive of and sensitive to these intersecting identities.  

“Veterans Day is a mark on the calendar to remind us of something that needs to happen every day.” – Leslie Cooper, RN, BSN, MPH, Ph.D., FAAN, GHUCCTS Community Advisory Board Member & Chair, Zion Baptist Church Health Ministry

The Georgetown-Howard Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) honors the valor and sacrifice of veterans.  We affirm our indebtedness to their service and commit to research, inclusive practices, and dedicated initiatives to positively impact the future of veterans’ health. 

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