Engagement & Diversity

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Community Engaged Research

“Community-engaged research brings people in local communities Into the research process . . . The idea is that people and communities become equal partners in how the study is designed, conducted, analyzed, and shared with the world.”

National Institute of Health - Community Engagement Alliance



GHUCCTS places great value on involving communities and other partners in the development of health research.  Communities, patients, and caregivers bring their own perspectives, experiences, and understanding of health.  They provide insight on how their race and ethnicity, their culture, beliefs, economic conditions, and the environment around them impact their health. This is essential for researcher as it ensures studies more closely reflects patient and community health priorities and interests.

Engagement of communities or other partners in research occurs oncontinuum with degrees of intensity in partnership involvement. These partners can serve on an ad hoc basis through listening sessions to prioritize unanswered research questions, recommend appropriate recruitment approaches, or support with dissemination strategies for study findings. They can also have more sustained involvement in a study by providing guidance throughout the research process serving on an advisory board or as a co-investigator.

Adapted from PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) website Retrieved July 31, 2024.

GHUCCTS PRIORITY POPULATIONS: People of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural backgrounds, people with disabilites, older adults, and veterans


Including diverse populations in clinical and translational research is essential for a comprehensive understanding of health and disease across various demographics. This ensures everyone can get the treatment that is best for them.  GHUCCTS is deeply committed to advancing clinical and translational research that addresses health disparities and promotes health research equity, particularly among its priority populations.



