Support For Your Research

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Our community engagement experts offer research teams no-cost consultations, services, and resources for meaningful engagement of communities
or other partners in health research. We also work closely with other members of our GHUCCTS team to support efforts for inclusion and recruitment
of diverse populations.

There are a variety of community engagement approaches in research including participation in community events, use of qualitative research,
community engagement studios, community or patient advisory boards, and community-academic collaborations.  We work with you to identify the
best fit. 


                            • Recommendations on most suitable engagement approach(es) for your study
                            • Planning and budgeting for engagement, inclusion, and recruitment
                            • Coaching on use of engagement best practice
                            • Guidance on communication with culturally & linguistically diverse communities
                            • Referral to other GHUCCTS services as needed

To optimize our support’s impact, we recommend contacting us during the initial study planning and budgeting phase.  Though, we are happy to help
 during any phase in your research process.


                            • Make introductions between investigators and community partners
                            • Facilitate the planning and implementation of engagement approaches
                            • Provide access to community events for engagement and recruitment
                            • Review grant proposals and recommend content for engagement and recruitment plans
                            • Support with development of study promotional, educational material, study finding summaries
                            • Link primary care providers to a practice-based research network (PBRN)
                            • Provide letters of support

Training Workshops & Webinars

                            • Community and patient engagement in research
                            • Effective community outreach for education and study promotion
                            • Cultural and linguistic competence
                            • Inclusion of people with disability in health research
                            • Inclusion of people with limited English proficiency in health research
                            • Introduction to community engaged research (course)


Check out our resource focused on best practices on community engagement, inclusion of diverse, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Practice Based Research Network 

If you wish to conduct research within any of the Practice Based Research Networks (PBRNs), please contact Finie Hunter-Richardson at 202-250-5668
 or at For more information about PRBNs in our area visit the Participant and Clinical Interactions page or visit CAPRICORN.


For more information or to set up a no-cost consultation, contact Florencia Gonzalez at or call 202-865-7743.
