Seminars & Workshops

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GHUCCTS offers a variety of organized seminars, workshops, and lectures oriented to the needs of trainees, faculty, and staff at various levels. Throughout the year, these seminars and workshops provide additional opportunities for career development and enrichment.

  • Clinical and Translational Research Grand Rounds

    The Georgetown-Howard University for Center for Clinical & Translational Science (GHUCCTS) Clinical and Translational Research Grand Rounds presentations provide opportunities for GHUCCTS investigators and faculty to share their translational research successes and challenges. Our investigators, KL2 Scholars, visiting faculty and guest lecturers provide important national and international context regarding the growing field of translational science.

    Clinical and Translational Research Grand Rounds are sponsored by GHUCCTS and its partner institutions (Georgetown and Howard Universities, MedStar Health Research Institute, the Washington DC VAMC, and Oak Ridge NationalLab) to bring together our diverse clinical and research communities to share research that spans disciplines and stages of translation to improve individual and community health.

    For more information, please contact or visit

    Upcoming Sessions: 

    December 2024
    Guest Speaker TBD

    November 1, 2024
    Guest Speaker: Marjorie Gondré-Lewis PhD, MPI of GHUCCTS

    October 11, 2024
    “Hypertension in pregnancy and future cardiovascular and kidney disease”
    Guest Speaker: Vesna Garovic M.D., Ph.D., PI of the Mayo CTSA

    Recent Sessions of the MHRI/GHUCCTS Grand Rounds:

    September 13, 2024
    "Using a 3B approach to translate discoveries: from Bedside to Bench and Back"
    Alessia Fornoni, MD, PhD
    Professor of Medicine and Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
    Director of the Peggy and Harold Katz Drug Discovery Center
    Co-Director of the MSTP and CTSA/KL2 programs
    University of Miami Miller School of Medicine 
    Event Page

    June 7, 2024
    "Examining the Influence of Host and Viral Genetics on COVID-19 Disease Severity in Local and National Datasets"
    Guest Speaker: Grace Kim, National TL1 Visiting Scientist 
    Event Page 
    Recording Archive

    May 3, 2024
    "Understanding Mechanisms of Working Memory Deficits in Muscular Dystrophy"
    Guest Speaker: Mathula Thangarajh, MD, PhD
    Event Page
    Recording Archive

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    View Previous Years of Grand Rounds 2013 - 2021

  • Clinical Research Coordinator Seminar Series

    The Clinical Research Coordinator Seminar Series is a monthly professional development and networking series for clinical and translational research professionals. Study/Research Coordinators, nurses, project managers, regulatory experts, and other staff involved in clinical research can learn about current regulations, best practices, resources, policies, and guidelines. The Seminar Series is held once a month on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:30pm – 2:00pm ET.

    Registration for the monthly CRCSS meeting:
    Add this event to your calendar:–qpjgjEt0PqPlaInoo70fJLMT6174z#/registration

    PLEASE NOTE: Only registering will NOT add them to your calendar. Once you register using the above link, you will receive a confirmation email, please scroll down on that email and use any of the option you prefer to add to your calendar.

    Previous Recordings and Handouts

    View More information on the CRCSS Seminar Series

  • Facilitating Research Mentor Training Workshop

    GHUCCTS’ Facilitating Mentor Training Workshop, developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, participants learn evidence-based approaches to implementing research mentor training programs that will strengthen productive research mentoring relationships with diverse mentees.

    Training Curriculum includes:

    • Aligning Expectations
    • Accessing Understanding
    • Addressing Equity & Inclusion
    • Articulating Your Mentorship Philosophy & Plan
    • Cultivating Ethical Behavior
    • Enhancing Work-Life Integration
    • Fostering Independence
    • Promoting Professional Development
    • Maintaining Effective Communication 
    • Promoting Mentee Research Self-Efficacy

    This free, two-day workshop is intended for faculty, instructors, staff, and administrators who are committed to implementing research mentor training workshops for mentors whose trainees are in biomedical fields.

    Our last workshop was held on October 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023. To be informed of our next workshop, please contact 

  • Grant Writing Workshop Series

    This 6-month interactive workshop focuses on applying knowledge of clinical trials design, biostatistics, and research ethics to trainee-specific proposals. Each participant will develop, revise, and prepare to submit an F-, K-, or R-series NIH grant application, or equivalent over the course of this in-person workshop with constructive input from facilitators and participants. Participants will hone their grant writing skills through attending lectures on best practices for individual grant components and by giving and receiving constructive feedback from their peers. These workshops are embedded within our Translational Biomedical Science evening series on Thursdays rotating between Georgetown and Howard Universities. This workshop is designed to align with the NIH submission cycle deadline. | Learn More

  • KL2 Scholars Mini-Symposium Program

    The KL2 Scholars Mini-Symposia Program provides scholars the opportunity to, organize and lead a half-day symposium. These series enable scholars to invite one or more national figure whom they have not engaged previously, and whose work and insight could be of strategic importance to the scholar and complement those on their mentoring team. They engage investigators from across our hub and local institutions and enrich the intellectual environment of our hub. This program is diverse and appeals to a multi-disciplined audience. Participants may join in person or online.

    To be informed of our next workshop, please contact

    The Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical & Translational Science ( GHUCCTS) is expanding our successful novel KL2 mini-symposium program by engaging translationally-focused early-stage investigators (ESIs) across our hub institutions to organize mini-symposia, tailored to their own research interests with goals of internal and external networking, building new collaborative and mentoring relationships across and beyond our Hub, increasing local recognition of multidisciplinary translational research efforts and highlighting translational science principles across our Hub. We will be funding six (6) proposals this application cycle.

    We encourage potential applicants to submit as soon as possible to receive feedback about suitability of this support mechanism for their career development goals.

    Eligibility & Requirements:

    • Early Stage Investigator  An ESI is a Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) who has completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a substantial NIH independent research award.
    • Must be a US citizen, Non-Citizen National, or Permanent Resident.
    • Must have a full-time faculty or equivalent appointment at a GHUCCTS institution (Georgetown University, Howard University, or MedStar Health) at the time of award.

    How: We envision a 4-week online process for application development. Applicants will provide details about  their proposed mini-symposium, including: 

    • Details about their invited keynote speaker
    • Format of proposed symposium
    • Goals of proposed mini-symposium/what they hope to gain
    • Target Audiences
    • Budget & Budget Justification

    When: Application deadline: On a Rolling application through November 22, 2024; 11:59PM

    Selection & Decision: on a rolling basis through November 30, 2024

    Questions? Inquiries can be made to Ms. Cyndi Campbell, or to any member of the KL2 Executive Committee (Jason G. Umans, MD, PhD: jgu@georgetown.eduKathryn Sandberg, PhD: Karl Thompson, PhD:

    Upcoming Events:

    KL2 Mini-Symposia Planning meeting -1
    Monday, September 23⋅11:00am – 12:00pm

    KL2 Mini-Symposia Planning meeting -2 
    Friday, September 27⋅9:00 – 10:00am

    Past Events:
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  • KL2 Visiting Scholars Exchange Program

    The KL2 Visiting Scholars Exchange Program is a collaboration between the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Research (GHUCCTS) and the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research. This collaboration provides KL2 Scholars at each institution an opportunity to present their research at the partnering school. We believe this program offers valuable learning and career development experiences with the goal of sharing Science across disciplines, networking, and formation of new team science collaborations.
    Here is a list of our recent webinars, featuring KL2 scholars from both GHUCCTS and VCU.

    Upcoming Events: 

    November 20 -21,  2024
    GHUCCTS KL2 Scholars in-person visit at VCU

    February 2025 
    March 2025

    Past Events: 

    Understanding Mechanisms of Working Memory Deficits in Muscular Dystrophy
     KL2 Scholar: Dr. Mathula Thangarajh, MD, PhD
     Friday, May 3, 2024,12:00 – 1:00pm EST 

    ABSTRACT: Dr. Thangarajh, trained in child neurology, neuroimmunology, and neuromuscular medicine, is a productive tenure-track Assistant Professor of Neurology at Virginia Commonwealth University. As a physician-scientist, her translational research contributions span from molecular, mechanistic, and biomarker studies through animal models, natural history studies, patient reported outcomes, to clinical trials and equity in recruitment to research participation. She has made signal observations of developmental and cognitive abnormalities in patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), revealing contributions of brain dystrophin and mechanisms of clinical heterogeneity. Her discipline spanning and highly collaborative work has been supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Dr. Thangarajh will share her work on cognitive domains affected in DMD with recent work that has focused on connectivity and advanced diffusion measures with these patients.

    Event Page | Download PDF

    Addressing Perinatal Health Inequities – Operationalizing Principles of Reproductive Justice in Health Services Research and Policy Advocacy
    KL2 Scholar: Dr. Christina Marea, PhD
    Friday, May 3, 2023,12:00 – 1:00pm EST

    The United States consistently ranks last among high income countries in measures of perinatal wellbeing including maternal and infant mortality and severe maternal morbidity – indices that have worsened over the past 20 years. The burden of worsening perinatal outcomes is born disproportionately by Black birthing people, and other structurally marginalized groups. Structural racism drives many of these outcomes, yet are challenging to measure, assess and mitigate with health system interventions. Reproductive justice is a framework that affirms that individuals have the right to have children, not have children, and to parent their children they do have in safe and stable environments. Our team is engaged in research that explores the impact of structural and policy factors on adverse perinatal outcomes. We will discuss the intersection of housing policy and adverse perinatal physical and mental health outcomes, place-based measures of structural racism and likelihood of severe maternal morbidity, and the development and implementation of an innovative model of postpartum care delivered in federally qualified health center. 

    Event Page | Download PDF 

    Preventing and Treating Heart Dysfunction Related to Cancer Therapy
    KL2 Scholar: Dr. Wendy Bottinor, MD
    Monday, November 21, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00pm EST 

    ABSTRACT: Heart disease is a leading cause of death among cancer survivors diagnosed during childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. Childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are approximately seven times more likely to die from heart disease when compared with their peers who do not have a history of cancer. For adolescent and young adult survivors (AYAs), this risk is at least three times higher. Radiation treatment, heart-toxic chemotherapy, Non-Hispanic Black (NHB) race, and high blood pressure all increase this risk. Among CCS and AYAs with multiple risk factors, heart disease occurs more frequently than would be expected by adding the risks from individual risk factors together. The reason for this increased risk is poorly understood, however one possible explanation is that the combination of these risk factors causes faster damaging changes in heart tissue. Our goal is to understand the relationship between these risk factors to improve heart health in CCS and AYAs by helping to identify survivors at the highest risk for developing heart disease, and by providing opportunities to intervene with therapies for heart disease.

    Event Page | Download PDF 

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  • Mentor Training Workshop Series

    GHUCCTS offers training opportunities to engage new and experienced faculty to develop a strong mentoring culture across departments, and amongst partner institutions. Our Entering Mentoring workshops developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provide resources to enhance mentoring skills – including communication, career planning, and collaboration.

    Upcoming Events: 

    To be informed of our next workshop, please contact 

    • October 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023, Mentor Training Workshop for Clinical and Translational Researchers
    • April 24-26, 2023: Mentor Training Workshop for Clinical and Translational Researchers
    • December 12-14, 2022: Mentor Training for Basic, Clinical and Translational Researchers
    • March 31, April 7, 14, 2022: Mentor Training for Basic, Clinical and Translational Researchers 

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  • Monthly Statistical Seminars

    MedStar Health Research Institute (MHRI) and GHUCCTS have partnered together to present a free monthly statistical seminar, hosted by Dr. Paul Kolm, Associate Director of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics at MHRI.

    Our statistical seminars will occur on the third Friday of each month from 12 - 1 PM EST from October to May. Registration for the series will be available in the fall. Details on how to join the seminar will be emailed to you once you register.

    Stream the full playlist here.

  • Research Team Training
    Sponsored by the GHUCCTS - Regulatory, Education, Knowledge and Support (REKS) Component

    Assessing Emerging Bioethical Issues in the Application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Clinical and Translational Research Involving Underrepresented Populations, March 22, 2024 | Download PDF

    Clinical Research Coordinators’ Workshop: Study Implementation, Documentation, and Regulations

    This free workshop is designed for clinical research coordinators interested in enhancing their competency in the field of clinical research. Each module will consist of didactic materials and hands-on training exercises.
    2024 Workshop Series:
    • Speaker: Florencia Gonzalez, MPH: Important Considerations for Consenting & Inclusion of People with Limited English Proficiency Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Kathleen Johnson, NP: Optimizing the Consent Process in Cognitively Impaired Volunteers | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Mary Anne Hinkson, MBA: Regulatory Binders/Trial Masterfile – What Do I Need to Keep? | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Neha Mookuparambil, PharmD: Audit Findings – Avoiding Pitfalls in Source Documentation | Download Presentation
    2023 Workshop Series
    • Panel Session: Coordinators (Novice and Experienced): Informed Consent Process – What are their pain points?
    • Speaker: Jane Otado, PhD, and Priscilla Adler, MBA: Post-Consent Studies | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Petros Okubagzi, MD: Florida Informed Consent Case Study Discussion
    • Speaker: Petros Okubagzi, MD: Remote/E-Consenting | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Shaunagh Browning, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, CRN-BC: Plain Language, Teach-back, and Guidance for Re-Consent | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Claudia Gunawan, MS: Role Play – Mini ICF Discussion
    • Speaker: Neha Mookuparambil, PharmD: Informed Consent Source Documentation | Download Presentation
    • Speaker: Florencia Gonzalez, MPH: Special Populations/Vulnerable Populations | Download Presentation
    2020 Workshop
    2019 Workshop
    • Ethics, Regulations and Study Implementation for Research Involving Human Subjects, May 2019 | Download PDF

    Spring Regulatory Update & Hot Topics in Clinical Research
    This annual meeting brings researchers, administrators, and clinical professionals from throughout the Clinical and Translational Sciences Awards (CTSA) region together for collaborative discussion and response to regulatory revisions and identified clinical research priorities within the current landscape of clinical trials.
    The 2022 Virtual Conference was split into two days: “Lasting Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic” on April 28, 2022, and “Artificial Intelligence in Research and Healthcare” on May 5, 2022. For more details, download the 2022 Meeting Agenda.
    The 2021 Virtual Conference was split into two days: "Moving Swiftly to Combat the COVID-19 Global Health Crisis" on April 23, 2021 and "Beyond COVID-19: Challenges & Lessons Learned during a Pandemic" on April 30, 2021. For more details, 
    The 2020 Virtual Conference focused on “COVID-19: the Virus, Preparedness in the time of Crisis, and Clinical Research". Below are recording archives of the sessions. For more information, view the 2020 Meeting Agenda.

    2019 Meeting Agenda

    This symposium is organized by the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children's National (CTSI-CN).

    REKS Summer Series 
    2022 Series
    The goal of this series is to highlight and discuss innovative community research, regulatory requirements, and ethical implications.
    • "W.A.S.H: A Community-Based Participatory Research Collaboration" - July 13 | Watch Recording
    • “Healthcare Delivery Research: Safe Babies Safe Moms” – August 10 | Watch Recording
    • "Ethics, Equity, and Research Protections for Un/underinsured Participants" - September 14 | Watch Recording
    2021 Series
    The goal of this series is to discuss new developments in regulations affecting decentralized clinical trials.
    • "Introduction to Decentralized Clinical Trials" featuring Nichelle Cobb (SMART IRB) - June 16th | Watch Recording
    • "Options for In-Home Clinical Trial Visits" featuring Petros Okubagzi (MedStar) - June 30th | Watch Recording
    • "E-Consent" featuring Mary Anne Hinkson (MedStar)" - July 14th | Watch Recording
    • "Remote Informed Consent" featuring Stephen Hansen (FDA)" - July 28th | Watch Recording
    • "Using Telehealth Technology for Virtual Clinical Trial Visits" featuring Heidi Maloni (VAMC) - August 11th | Watch Recording
    • "Remote Clinical Trial Monitoring" featuring Shaunagh Browning (ORQA) - August 25th | Watch Recording
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Series

    Provides face-to-face training for predoctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and early career investigators in the responsible conduct of research.  The course is designed for predocs, post-docs, and junior faculty who are recipients for the NIH and other training awards that require Responsible Conduct of Research.   This course covers topics in the principles and expectations for conducting biomedical research; and promotes ethical, rigorous and reproducible science.

    The following in-person series dovetails to required CITI modules and provides an opportunity for investigators to discuss all aspects of these topics with an expert in the field. This series also fulfills the requirements of multiple funding agencies. | Learn More

  • Summer Intensive Workshop in Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Clinical Research

    This year's Summer Intensive Workshop was held from July 15-19, 2024, online from 10 AM to 4 PM ET each day. This is a one-week introductory-level workshop with a focus on Biostatistics and Design of Clinical Trials. 

    The registration fee is $1,000, with a discounted rate available for those participating in Residency & Fellowship Programs. This workshop may be eligible for tuition assistance benefits. Contact your benefits office for details.

    This year's topics include:

    • Introduction to Biostatistics
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • Data Sources and Data Captures 
    • Working with SPSS
    • Correlation & Regression Analysis
      • Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
      • Partial Correlation
      • Simple Regression Analysis
    • Group Comparisons
      • Independent t-Test
      • One-Way ANOVA & ANCOVA
    • Regression Analysis
    • G*PowerData
    • Sample Size & Power Analysis (G*Power)
    • Intro to BIG Data Mining, Including EHR
    • Artificial Intelligence and the future of clinical and Translational Research

    Contact for more information.

  • Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) Workshops

    Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) Program workshops are offered on Thursdays during the academic year (fall and spring semester).  These workshops are targeted to our pre-doctoral, post-doctoral scholars, and others interested in learning about the TBS Program.

    Workshop location alternate between GHUCCTS partner institutors - Georgetown University and Howard University.   Please visit the website for a detailed calendar or contact TBS Admin at
